On our own

April 15th – 26th, 2015


Our friends headed back home and now it’s just the two of us at the Sea Spray. Each day became a challenge, not knowing what to do, so we just went with what came our way. We had so many options it was hard to decide. Stay at the Sea Spray pool, read a book and rum drinks from the bar, (check). Head to the pool and beach at the Firefly Resort, (check). Load up the dogs and a cooler and dinghy to Tahiti Beach for the day, (check). Dinghy to the Lighthouse and climb to the top then move over to the Hope Town marina for pool drinks, (check). Head over to “On Da Beach” for a burger and a cold beer, (check). Take the golf cart to the Abaco Inn for some sun at the Oceanside pool, (check). It was a good thing that Connie and I are good decision makers, makes life so much more fun.










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