Time for a change

April 8th – 14th, 2015


It is time for us to say goodbye to our friends and move on from Marsh Harbour to the Sea Spray Resort and Marina on Elbow Cay. Its only 2 miles from where we are but a whole different, more laid back atmosphere. It will be our home for the next 5 weeks. Our friends Chris and Pam have come down to help us with the move and spend a week in paradise. We will take them for an overnight at Lynyard Cay before we check into our new marina. Once we were anchored we headed to the beach for a while and then moved onto Pete’s Pub. Later when we returned to the boat we let Chris and Pam have the dinghy so they could do a little exploring. The next day we moved on to the Sea Spray and spent the rest of the week relaxing while exploring Hope Town’s Beaches, restaurants and of course some of the bars.

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