Lynyard Cay

March 31st – April 2nd, 2015


A weather window opens up for some great weather for the next few days so Stan and Nancy suggested we head down to Lynyard Cay and anchor out for a few days. Sounded great to us because we could use the practice of dropping the hook, so off we went on a short 15 mile trip. We pulled into a nice anchorage behind the island so that we were protected from the wind. There was a nice beach nearby so we lowered the dinghy’s and to the beach we went. The next day we took the dinghy’s to Pete’s Pub at Little Harbour for lunch and rum drinks. Pete’s Pub is a true island bar with sand floors and water right up to the deck. It was the perfect day to be on the water. After taking the dogs to the beach the next morning, we loaded our dinghy’s and made the trip back to Marsh Harbour. This anchoring thing could become a habit.



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