Green Turtle Cay

March 5th – 10th, 2015


We pulled the anchor early at Great Sale and started our 65 mile trip to “Green Turtle Cay”. The weather was beautiful and the seas calm as we made our way through the shallow waters of the Bahama Bank and into the Sea of Abaco. We arrived at the Green Turtle Club and Marina later that afternoon, got all settled in and had a few cocktails. Since we have been here before we knew the best way to get around was to rent a golf cart. We spent the next few days visiting the town of New Plymouth, exploring the island, laying in the sun and consuming a few rum drinks. We ran into our friends that we had crossed over with from Florida and did a little bar hopping. We visited “ The Tranquil Turtle”, “Pineapples Bar and Grill”, “The Lizard Bar” and also The Green Turtle Club. Green Turtle Cay is one of the most beautiful cays in the Abaco’s and we will definitely return.


no-stress-here knee-deep friends-the-lizard-bar-grill  our-favorite-tree

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