February 25, 2015
We made it to North Palm Beach and are waiting on a weather window to cross over to the Bahamas. We had a long trip down the ICW from Vero Beach to North Palm, a little over 7-1/2 hours. There was a lot of slow going because of no wake Manatee zones or Marinas. We had to deal with 8 draw bridges, some we could pass under and others we had to wait for an opening. The weather was wonderful, lots of sun and temps in the low 80’s so we drove from the fly bridge for the first time on this trip. We arrived at Old Port Cove Marina around 4:00 in the afternoon. We filled up with fuel and took a slip close to the outside for a easy departure when the time arises. According to the weather report we will may be here for a few days. We met some of the crew of a mega yacht at the marina bar tonight. They are great people and two of them are from Savanna Ga. so it was nice to talk with some true southerners. They are based out of this marina and have been here since January. Well not a lot going on right now except for trips to Publix and catching up on boat chores. We checked the weather for back home and they are calling for 6 inches or more of snow. Hate we’re missing it! Check back soon. NO WORRIES!

You didn’t miss the snow, we got mostly rain on this side of the state line.
Enjoy your blog. It puts me in the driver seat with you and the pictures are great.
Safe travels!