February 21, 2015
St Augustine, Ponce de Leon Inlet and Cocoa Beach – 114 Miles
We pulled out of St. Augustine yesterday morning heading to a small marina south of Daytona called the Inlet Harbor Marina. It had received good reviews from cruisers and I can say it lived up to them. They had a great staff, party deck, food and live entertainment. We partied till almost 9:00. Not really, more like 7:30. Left there this morning at 7:45 and slowly, not our choice, headed farther south to Cocoa Beach. Not much activity on the past 2 days of travel just a few friends tagged along for a while and we saw lots of RV developments along the way. We did have to stop before approaching one of the draw bridges and I had to lower our antennas while Connie kept us steady in the canal, in which she had no experience until now. It is the law that if you can clear a bridge my lowering or removing non permanent fixtures, you must do so. I tried to tell the bridge tender I was taller than I was but she disagreed. She won. We are now enjoying the warmest day so for, 72 degrees, in a great marina in Cocoa Beach and heading out to their Mardi Gras party. Hopefully we can stay out till at least 9:00. No Worries !

I am enjoying keeping up with you and Connie at sea. Sorry I have not commented prior to now but am excited about your venture. Good job at describing so well Gregg…. It’s the next best thing to Aunt Kathy being there! Love you both! Oh, and the photos are great!