February 21, 2015
St Augustine, Ponce de Leon Inlet and Cocoa Beach – 114 Miles
We pulled out of St. Augustine yesterday morning heading to a small marina south of Daytona called the Inlet Harbor Marina. It had received good reviews from cruisers and I can say it lived up to them. They had a great staff, party deck, food and live entertainment. We partied till almost 9:00. Not really, more like 7:30. Left there this morning at 7:45 and slowly, not our choice, headed farther south to Cocoa Beach. Not much activity on the past 2 days of travel just a few friends tagged along for a while and we saw lots of RV developments along the way. We did have to stop before approaching one of the draw bridges and I had to lower our antennas while Connie kept us steady in the canal, in which she had no experience until now. It is the law that if you can clear a bridge my lowering or removing non permanent fixtures, you must do so. I tried to tell the bridge tender I was taller than I was but she disagreed. She won. We are now enjoying the warmest day so for, 72 degrees, in a great marina in Cocoa Beach and heading out to their Mardi Gras party. Hopefully we can stay out till at least 9:00. No Worries !