
Provisioning for an extended cruise takes a lot of planning. We know we can get most of the things we need moving down the east coast but the Abacos are a little different. A lot of things are available over there but some are scarce or very expensive.  Connie has made a lot of mental notes of what is hard to come by from our visits for the last seven years and has stocked “Rita” with what she thinks are the essentials. After a trip to the local grocery and 3 over full carts I think she has it. Her organization skills or awesome! Stay tuned, more to come.

1 of 4 carts
1 of 4 carts
Dry and can goods
Dry and can goods
More Dry and can goods
More Dry and can goods
Pantry all organized
Pantry all organized




Bottom Paint Complete

After a week of rain and wind bottom paint is complete. The last one held up for three years. We spent Saturday night at Ross Marine because the winds were just to strong to risk a trip back to our marina. By late Saturday afternoon the sky had cleared, winds subsided and the day ended with a beautiful sunset. We headed back to our marina on Sunday with lots of sunshine.Ross Marine

Getting Closer

Much warmer than the fly bridge
Much warmer than the fly bridge

Our plans to cruise  the Abaco’s are almost here. We are preparing “Rita” for a mid February departure. Plans will be to enjoy ourselves running the ICW south to West Palm Beach, stopping at numerous places along the way. Cross over to West End and then on to the numerous Cays in The Abaco chain. We have “Rita” on the hard  putting on a fresh bottom coat and a few other small items. After that it is provisioning time, stocking as much as we can hold for our 4 month vacation. I hope to post at least every couple of days while we’re gone so keep checking back for our latest adventure.