Rita has returned from her upgrades. After leaving Marine Propulsion in Rockville on Monday we headed up the Bohicket Creek to the Bohicket Marina. Bohicket is known for some strong currents at times but we arrived at slack tide so maneuvering wasn’t so bad, especially since I got to use my newly installed bow thruster. I think I will like this new addition to Rita. This is a great marina to spend a couple of days and relax, but we only stayed one night because we knew we had some bad weather on the way on wanted to get back to Charleston before it got here. After a great lunch at Red’s Ice House on Tuesday, we pulled away from the dock and headed home to Charleston. First Mate Connie got to spend some time at the helm on this trip and did exceptionally well being it was her first time. It was a fairly cool day and the winds were really blowing from the NE. There was more traffic on the ICW and around Charleston than I thought there would be. We even come across Capt. George operating the Sea Tow boat as we cleared Elliott’s Cut. Today the winds were out of the NE at 15-20 mph, making this the strongest I have encountered while docking Rita. Again, the new bow thruster made it much easier getting Rita into her slip. As for the rest of Rita’s upgrades, all went well with only a few more adjustments to be made on my DC system and inverter. We haven’t planned Rita’s next adventure but I can tell you she won’t spend all summer at the dock. Check back soon.

I’d be happy to show you some tricks to realie utilize your bowthruster……..(free of charge) lol