On the Hard

One of many things I have learned while owning a boat is that plans always seem to change. I had stated in earlier blogs that we were planning to take the Margarita Daze (aka… Rita) to the Abaco islands for a couple of months this summer. Well after much consideration we have decided to postpone that trip for at least a year. Rita needs a few upgrades before making such an extended cruise, like bow thrusters to assist the Captain in certain docking conditions, DC upgrades including an Inverter and deep cycle batteries so we can stay on the hook without running the genny all night and a few minor changes and repairs. Even though the first mate is “game on” in her duties the Captain feels he could use a little more time at the controls and electronics before making this voyage. So for the time being we will spend this season cruising the eastern shores of SC, NC and Ga. With the help of houseboat Captain Mike filling in as my first mate, we took a 3-1/2 hour  Cruise down the ICW and delivered Rita to the hard in Rockville, S.C. where she will spend the next few weeks receiving her upgrades and repairs. We are still planning a 2 week trip to the Abaco islands this summer but will fly in and rent a small boat to island hop. Check back soon for more updates.