Training Complete

Well, training is complete and the Capt. and Crew made our first solo trip aboard the MargaRita Daze. We originally planned on a short cruise around the Charleston Harbor but it was such a nice day we decided on a short trip into the Atlantic. The sea was gentle with 3-4 ft swells about 100 yds apart which made for a nice ride, but not so good sitting still and taking them on the beam. After an hour of cruising the coast we made our way back to the harbor for a ride around Patriot’s Point and the Battery. We returned to the Marina, fired up the blender, and enjoyed our first frozenĀ Margaritas aboardĀ our boat. Life is good. Now the countdown begins. After some local trips we plan to leave Charleston next June for a 2 month adventure in the Abaco’s. Stay tuned !